Dimpleplasty: Procedure, Recovery, and More

Dimpleplasty: Procedure, Recovery, and More

 Every female is distinguished from others by a different feature of beauty such as {long hair, wide eyes, bright skin, slim body, full lips, dimples} God Almighty has granted each of us an aesthetic advantage, and one of the signs of beauty in women according to international beauty standards is {the neck Long, long fingers, proportional shape, dimples on the cheeks.” It is worth noting that the dimple on the face expresses femininity, beauty and softness, as it is a small dent in the middle of the cheek or chin, and these dimples occur after changes in the lower layer of the skin, and stand out while laughing or smiling, which is a rare aesthetic sign, because about 5 people Out of every 100 people who have it and own it.
Dimpleplasty: Procedure, Recovery, and More

We would like to point out, that nothing is impossible in the world of medicine and cosmetics, because obtaining beauty marks has become easy using modern cosmetic techniques, and indeed for lovers of dimples, but they do not have one of them, they can distinguish them through a cosmetic procedure that takes only half an hour, So what is meant by the Dimpleplasty? What are the advantages of this process? And its main drawbacks? The most important advice before and after making it? 

What is meant by Dimpleplasty? 

 It is one of the operations that have increased in demand recently, so the doctor makes an artificial dimple similar to the natural one in the middle of the cheeks or one of the cheeks, the chin or the buttocks. The doctor asks the girl to relax a little and then locally anesthetize her and wait about 12 minutes and locate the dimple.
 Then the doctor starts making a small puncture from the cheek with a specialized tool and removes the excess fat, inserts the stitch into the hole and starts stitching it. The operation requires only about half an hour of time, and the girl can go home immediately without waiting in the clinic. 
 After the girl returns, you will notice that the dimple is visible to the eye even if she does not smile or do expressive operations, but it will fade automatically after several weeks of the operation, and only appear when smiling. 

 What are the advantages of cosmetic dimples process? 

 This process has many advantages, and many women resort to it, being: Greater attractiveness: 
  • The dimple gives the girl more attractiveness and beauty, especially when she smiles or laughs, and increases her femininity and special beauty. 
  •  Safe and does not require a long time: It has no health risk, and it is considered highly safe if it is performed by a specialized doctor with extensive experience, and it also does not require a recovery period or sitting at home for several days, so it is possible to return to practicing the tasks immediately after the operation.
  •  Permanent results: This process does not require a return to the doctor to perform it several times, as it is reliable from the first time, and its results are permanent on the skin. 
  •  Natural appearance: The artificial dimple does not differ from the natural except at the beginning of the process only, but with the passage of time it can not be noticed that it is not real because its appearance is natural, and many women resorted to it, as some of them have one dimple on one cheek, and while performing the artificial dimple on the other cheek , no difference was observed. 
  •  The absence of scars: scars are sometimes produced after operations, but the process of dimples does not leave any scars on the surface of the skin, and its results are immediate. When the girl leaves the clinic, it becomes clear that she has a dimple whether she smiles or does not show any expressions on her face, but quickly fades automatically and only appears when smiling. 

 What are the main disadvantages of Dimpleplasty?

 Although it is a somewhat safe process, but it includes several side effects, which are:
  •  If this procedure is done by an unqualified doctor, the girl may develop inflammation and infection in the parotid gland, causing damage to the salivary duct. 
  •  Injury to a deformity in the skin area if the operation was not performed by a specialist. 
  •  In some cases, the results are not normal, and the dimples appear exaggerated. 
  •  Feeling of redness, numbness of the cheek and pain, but these symptoms will disappear after several hours of the operation. 

 What are the most important tips before and after Dimpleplasty?

 There are some steps that you need to follow to get a positive result: 
  •  It is preferable to take a break for about two days and reduce talking, chewing gum or chewing any type of food, and avoiding any hot drinks as well.
  •  You should refrain from consuming hookah or smoking one week before the operation and two weeks after the operation, to avoid any harm to you or a negative impact on the operation.
  •  It is preferable to focus on foods that are easy to swallow and that do not require prolonged chewing. 
  •  Do not touch the operation site with your fingers or tongue, because it will increase pain on you and may cause infections. 
  •  It is preferable to stay away from carbonated and alcoholic drinks 3 weeks after the operation. 
  •  It is preferable to avoid touching the dimple from the outside as well, and you can stop applying cosmetic powders for several days in a row after the operation.
 In fact, Dimpleplasty is okay, but always and always divine beauty is the best.
 Natural dimples have attractiveness, but synthetic ones may seem inappropriate to you or feel remorse after If it is performed in an unreliable place, the choice is yours, but please pay attention to the need to choose a reliable clinic by an expert doctor to obtain a positive result.
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