the benefits of retinol and the most prominent warnings of use

the benefits of retinol and the most prominent warnings of use

Retinol is a synthetic derivative of Vitamin A, but it falls under a broader category of retinoids, compounds that are also derived from Vitamin A. 

Reduces the appearance of wrinkles.. Here are the benefits of retinol and the most prominent warnings of use
Reduces the appearance of wrinkles.. Here are the benefits of retinol and the most prominent warnings of use

When applied topically, this product is transformed into retinoic acid by specialized enzymes found inside the skin. In the following report, "Beauty addict" reviews the benefits of retinol for the skin, and some of the caveats of its use, according to the "Health line". First approved in the 1970s for use by acne sufferers, Retinol helps promote cell renewal and prevent clogged pores, which helps protect against blemishes, as well as improves the way skin care products penetrate the skin, plus enhances your overall skincare routine and maximizes results. Retinol is found in many beauty and skincare products that you can buy without a prescription.

You can use a retinol serum after a Dermapen session to get perfect skin. Read more about Dermapen ....

Retinol can make skin appear smoother and brighter, and it ha also helped reduce fine lines and wrinkles because it improves collagen production.

Retinol benefits

There are many benefits to retinol, but there are 5 main reasons why people buy and use retinol. 

1- Get rid of acne

 Retinol may be what you need to treat acne, because it penetrates into the pores, purifies the skin and prevents the accumulation of more impurities and of course leads to a reduction in the appearance of acne, scars and the effects of pimples as well, in addition to this, retinoids can amplify the effects of creams and substances Other therapeutic gels, allowing you to get the most benefit from any treatments you use. 

2- Fights the signs of aging 

Retinol is one of the most widely used and studied anti-aging ingredients on the market, and it is included in many anti-aging and stretch mark care products. Originally marketed as an anti-acne treatment in the 1970s, tretinoin quickly proved to have significant effects in Anti-aging, skin tightening and reducing the chances of sagging.

3- Even skin tone

 One of the many noteworthy aspects of retinol is that it stimulates skin cell turnover which appears as a kind of exfoliating effect for dull and dry skin, helping to rejuvenate the skin, tone and eliminate pigmentation, armed with increased levels of Collagen and elastin, which are compounds that give the skin more elasticity and hydration, reducing the appearance of any imperfections such as pigmentation.

 4- Low cost

 Retinol is considered one of the compounds that benefit the skin on various levels and is available at an appropriate price in exchange for those great benefits, and compared to other products that may give a lower effect and a greater price.

 Psoriasis Treatment 

Retinol has helped treat psoriasis in some patients due to its effect on moisturizing the skin and reducing irritation and redness, as well as the constant urge to itch. 

Disadvantages of using retinol

Despite the multiple benefits of retinol, there are some caveats that must be taken into account before starting to use it as a skin care product, most notably the following: 

  • It is forbidden to use it during pregnancy. 
  • Not recommended for use in severe eczema. 
  • Its use may cause skin sensitivity, so it is recommended to try it first on a small portion. 

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