The best types of hair straightening creams

The best types of hair straightening creams

The best types of hair straightening creams

Hair of all kinds, whether it is greasy or dry, is exposed to many external factors and problems that make it lose its luster, and its beautiful, lively appearance.

Therefore, it is important that we provide all the necessary care and attention in order to maintain our hair, and this is done by eating healthy foods rich in proteins and omega 3, and also we must wash our hair with warm water and not hot water in order to maintain the degree of its shine.

Of course, we do not forget the importance of choosing a good shampoo suitable for our hair, while avoiding the use of electric styling devices when the hair is wet.

People are trying to resort to alternative methods of straightening the hair away from electric means that produce high heat, the most important of which is hair straightening creams.

Today, in this article, we will talk about hair straightening creams, and we will mention the best types and their disadvantages.

What is hair straightening cream?

Hair is mainly composed of a protein called keratin, which is a group of amino acids linked together by chemical bonds, which give hair its shape, protect it from breakage, and give it stability.

In order to straighten the hair and get it looking tidy, we must break these bonds that exist between the amino acids in keratin so that we can change the shape of the hair easily.

Hence the idea of ​​a hair straightening cream that contains a group of ingredients that have the function of breaking the bonds between amino acids, thus making the hair straight instead of wavy.

hair straightening cream ingredients

One of the most famous ingredients in our hair straightening cream is sodium hydroxide, which is a chemical that has an alkaline nature known as caustic soda. It can iron the skin, but it is used in many products such as soap, as well as shampoo and conditioner.

There is also lithium hydroxide which is an alkaline chemical that is added during the manufacturing process of some soaps.

Finally, we have guanidine hydroxide, an organic substance that has a highly alkaline nature, which is produced after the process of breaking protein and used in the manufacture of plastics. These components change the shape of the hair by breaking all the existing bonds so that it appears as the desired shape while it is straight.

As we noted, these ingredients are alkaline in nature, so they are harmful to the hair and can cause infections in the scalp, so it is recommended that the cream not be left on the hair for more than 10 minutes.

The way to use a hair straightening

The way to use a hair straightening cream is very easy, as we divide the hair in the beginning into 4 or 6 sections according to the thickness of the hair, and then we spread the cream evenly on all sections.

Of course, we avoid putting the cream on the scalp and do not leave it for more than ten minutes, which is enough time to straighten the hair to a good degree.

We remove the cream using warm water and then wash the whole hair with the appropriate shampoo for our hair type.

The most popular types of hair straightening creams

There are many types of hair straightening creams, and all of them depend on the same principle of action, but we mention the most famous of them:

Italian hair straightening cream One Cell: 

It is intended for coarse and curly hair, as it straightens the hair strongly and makes it soft and smooth.

Keratin Glatt Hair Straightening Cream: 

It is suitable for very wavy hair, as it makes it easier to lay off and more soft, and there is a type of it specifically for men.

Hairdo cream: 

It is suitable for straightening the hair and reducing the proportion of wrinkles present in it, and there are three types of it, a type with protein, a type with keratin and a type with cannabis oil.

Biopoint Cream: 

It removes all the frizz in the hair, and gives it a healthy and shiny look, and provides a strong protection factor at the same time.

Olive Oil Hair Straightening Cream:

 What distinguishes this type is that it is free of sodium hydroxide, and is suitable for difficult and coarse hair, as it makes it comfortable and naturally loose and gives it a more intense appearance, so it is considered the best type available.

 Hair Way Cream:

 It is suitable for all hair types, whether Greasy or dry, it spreads without losing its essential elements.

L'Oreal Hair Straightening Cream:

 It is suitable for all hair types, as it promotes healthy hair and transfers the active ingredients to the areas in need thanks to a new technology in smoothing and smoothing, and its effect is that its effect lasts for 60 days.

Motion cream for hair straightening: 

It provides high moisture and protection because it contains shea butter, and has a pleasant scent that lasts for a day and is the best for men among all the previous types.

Mink Cream: 

It is also rich in keratin complex and thus gives the hair a guaranteed smoothness with the removal of 90 percent of the existing wrinkles, and the hair will be easier to comb after using it.

Just for Me Cream: 

It is the least harmful of all the previous types, so it is used for children while providing high nutrition to the scalp because it contains coconut and almond oil.

Disadvantages of hair straightening creams

If we use hair straightening creams incorrectly or leave them on our hair for more than 10 minutes, the following damages may appear:

  • Hair breakage and loss, which appears when we use the cream frequently, where we notice that the hair has become light with a regression in the front hair line because the loss is severe in the frontal area.
  • Infections in the scalp with irritation, itching and redness, especially in the places where the cream comes in contact with the scalp, and it may go away by simply washing the hair with water or it may last for a few days.
  • Dry hair which also appears with frequent use, especially if the method of straightening is a bit harsh and aggressive.
  • It can be said that the safety of hair straightening creams is a problem, as the formalin in the creams is associated with many health problems, as it causes skin rashes and allergies in the respiratory tract.

In the end, it is preferable to resort to more natural methods when we want to straighten the hair or products that do not contain large amounts of chemicals. The best types of hair straightening creams The best types of hair straightening creams. 


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