Blepharoplasty - all you need to know

 Blepharoplasty - all you need to know

Cosmetic techniques have developed in the current era and nothing is impossible in the world of cosmetics.

Blepharoplasty - all you need to know

 Many individuals have undergone corrective or cosmetic operations in all parts of the face and body, such as (nose reduction, skin tightening, lip filling, Botox, fillers, cat eyes, Texas injections to expose the jaw).  And several surgical or non-surgical operations aimed at obtaining young, bright and full of vitality.

It is worth noting that the area around the eyes in general is very sensitive and the first part affected by wrinkles and fine lines. It is very careful to take care of it in order to maintain its vitality. 

Read more about how to get rid of wrinkles with Dermapen  

We would like to point out that some people suffer from drooping upper eyelids, which hinders them from seeing things clearly or causes them heaviness above the eyes, and from here a cosmetic operation has emerged that specializes in cutting and tightening the eyelids, restoring freshness and reducing the signs of aging that seem clear around the eye, and because Sagging affects the lower and upper eyelids together.

 A group of women resort to trying this operation, which has spread recently, so what is meant by the process of eyelid lift? And how is it performed? And what are its benefits? And the main risks? What are the best tips before and after the operation? What are the prices? What is meant by blepharoplasty?

In fact, this process is very important for those who suffer from eyelid problems and a lot of wrinkles, because a person cannot focus and see clearly while performing his daily tasks such as studying or driving if his eyes are not healthy, and the eyelids have a major role in putting pressure on the eyes and causing them fatigue while they are drooping. In addition to its bad appearance, which suggests human aging.

Moreover, this cosmetic treatment appeared, through which doctors contribute to tightening the upper or lower eyelid or both together. eyelids;

In addition to the fact that this process is divided into two main aspects, it can be relied upon to perform it without the need for surgery, such as (threading with threads, tightening with fillers, laser tightening) or through surgery.

There are certain cases where it is necessary to perform this operation for them, such as people with bags under the eyes, or who face the problem of increased sagging in the upper eyelid or excess skin in one of the lower and upper eyelids.

How is blepharoplasty performed?

If you want to try this cosmetic procedure, at first you should search for a reputable specialized center and choose a reliable doctor and then consult him and after revealing your condition, the doctor will ask you to perform some physical examinations of the eyelids and eyes with imaging of the eyelids from all angles and examination of your vision.

Then he chooses the procedure that suits you, if the surgical procedure is about to be anesthetized in order to avoid feeling pain, and then the doctor begins by making a small incision at the level of the natural line of the eyelid and separates the layers from the skin and removes any excess fat and then closes the wound with stitches ranging from 4 to 6 stitches, and by moving to the duration of the session, it may reach approximately two and a half hours.

If the eyelid lift is chosen by non-surgical methods, as we mentioned above, you will undergo injections containing filler in your eyelids or to a laser, but if your condition is aggravated, then surgical treatment is better for you, and certainly the doctor will decide which procedure suits your problem.

What are the top 3 benefits of blepharoplasty?

This cosmetic procedure has several advantages that we must mention now:

Quick results: 

It is one of the cosmetic procedures whose results appear on the individual quickly, as the new and lively shape of the eyelids can be observed several days after the operation.

Vitality and freshness: 

Who does not love smooth and radiant skin? Indeed, this cosmetic procedure contributes to giving the eye contour a more youthful and vibrant look than before, and reduces sagging and wrinkles as if the individual is in his early twenties.

The results are permanent:

 If you are worried about its results, whether it will reappear again and the area around your eyes will be filled with sagging and wrinkles, you are wrong because its result is semi-permanent and it is possible that several lines appear around your eyes if you exceed fifty, but the appearance of those lines is not bad.

Are there any side effects of eyelid lift?

Despite the success of this cosmetic procedure, it contains several damages and side effects that may appear on the individual if the doctor is not trusted, such as:

  • Dry eyes.
  • Bleeding in some cases.
  • If the doctor tightens one eyelid excessively, it may turn outward.
  • In some cases, individuals develop a change in the color of the eyelids and swelling around them.

What are the best tips before and after a blepharoplasty procedure?

If the date of the operation is approaching and you do not know what steps to follow, read these tips carefully in order to get a positive result:

  • Try to stay at home for several consecutive days after the procedure in order to avoid exposure to external pollutants and intense sunlight.
  • It is recommended to relax and take 5 days off work in order to rest.
  • It is preferable to stay away from sports or any effort that causes pressure and stress on you.
  • Try to wear protective clothing and protect yourself from colds, especially if you had the operation in the winter.
  • You can use ice packs to reduce swelling after the operation, and if you feel persistent pain, your doctor may prescribe ibuprofen.
  • Try to avoid reading books, driving, or other actions that put strain on the eyes, as they just need a rest.
  • You can rely on applying a moisturizing cream around the eyes two weeks after the operation.
  • Avoid wearing any contact lenses for up to 3 weeks after an eyelid lift.
  • It is preferable to stay away from hookah and smoke.
  • It is recommended to avoid cosmetics for 3 weeks after the operation.

What is the price of blepharoplasty?

Its prices vary from one country to another.

In the United States it reaches 2875 dollars.

Eyelid Blepharoplasty surgery is an excellent option for those who suffer from problems in the area around the eyes, but be sure in the beginning to choose an excellent doctor and watch the evaluations and real business models he has, because some doctors publish the work of other doctors and attribute them to them, so it is better for you to make sure of his work and ask about him before treatment from In order to obtain a distinctive result and increase your sense of satisfaction with yourself.

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